Durenda Wilson is the owner/host of her podcast and is a wife to one for 35 years, mom to eight, and nana to 12. She has homeschooled all of her kids from the beginning. She loves to share simple, effective approaches to motherhood, homeschooling, and life in general. These tools are a result of many years of walking with the Lord and finding freedom in letting His voice quiet all the others.
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Drive-Thru Talking - An Effective Communication Tool (Podcast 324)
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
I've shared a communication tool called Drive Thru Talking in passing during several podcast episodes, but I thought I'd make it the main topic of today's episode!
Listen in for a short, practical episode!
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Recognizing False Teachers (Podcast 323)
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Hold onto your hats! This is a good one!
It’s no secret that there are many false teachers out there and the fallout from following them can be devastating to our families. Paul warns the Church repeatedly in the New Testament to stay away from false teachers.
One good thing that Covid revealed was the number of teachers who are simply not adhering to biblical truths. Now that we are wiser about that, how do we avoid following false teachers? What are the types of false teachers and how can you recognize them?
I invited one of the elders of our church to speak on this topic because I knew he would do this effectively and I was not disappointed! Wes has joined me for several other podcasts and it’s been a huge blessing to all of us! (These previous podcasts are listed below)
If you can, please listen in with your husband and as many of your children as you can. This is a very timely and crucial message.
Wes did forget to cover the last thing he said he would cover and that was a list of warning signs that could be present in your own church:
Warning signs that could be present within your own church:
-False teachers are often surrounded by young and or spiritually immature leaders because they’re less inclined to challenge a given decision, doctrinal position, or direction proposed by the pastor.
-False teachers are themselves often young and spiritually immature leaders.
-False teachers generally have a loose relationship with biblical exposition (The biblical text isn’t the star of the sermon, the pastor’s anecdotes, illustrations, and jokes are).
-False teachers are reluctant to practice church discipline because they’re far less concerned with the holiness of God’s people than they are with amassing a sizable crowd.
-False teachers often place a high emphasis on aesthetics, marketing, appearances, and production value because people having a positive experience at their church is more important to them than biblical faithfulness.
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
Previous podcasts with Wes:
Applying Romans 13 to the Here and Now (A biblical response to churches shutting down during Covid)
Homeschooling: The Importance of a Biblical Education
A Call Home: The Biblical Importance of Family
The Sovereignty of God and the Problem of Sin in Our World
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
What do we do when our homeschooled teens are ignoring our requests for timeliness? What is actually best for them and what does that look like?
I've invited our 19 yr old daughter to tackle this topic!
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Friday Jun 10, 2022
The Sovereignty of God and the Problem of Sin in Our World (Podcast 321)
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Today I want to talk about something that I refer to a lot in my podcasts: the sovereignty of God.
This particular doctrine has been absolutely pivotal in helping me trust God both in the everyday and in times of crisis. It’s one that has been a safety net and indescribable comfort when nothing else could comfort me.
Many Christians say that they believe in the sovereignty of God, but there are varying perspectives on what that actually means.
A few questions that come to mind and will be answered in this podcast:
Is God active or passive with regard to the world that He made?
Is there any sense in which God wound up the world, set certain parameters, and then let it go?
Or is He actively governing His creation and making determinations about what will and what will not happen?
Click this link after listening to the intro
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Monday Jun 06, 2022
What Does it Mean to Be ’Unhurried’ (Podcast 320)
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
I talk about simplifying and slowing down a lot, but I’ve realized that some might envision something different than what I mean when I talk about being unhurried.
The unhurried approach started with our kids’ education but morphed into being a default that we fell back on frequently to help us stay intentional. It hasn’t been a goal as much as it has been a helpful tool.
Listen in for some clarification on what I really mean when I encourage moms to be unhurried.
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Who Is Informing Our View of Family? (Podcast 319)
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
We all have ideas about family: its importance, its place in this world, what it should look like, etc. But upon further examination, we may come to realize that our perspective isn’t actually biblical.
Why do we have children?
Why did God create families?
What effect are families intended to have on the world and how do they advance the kingdom of God?
Resources mentioned:
The Simply Unhurried Community
Related Podcasts:
The Biblical Importance of Family
The Importance of a Biblical Education
Children a Blessing, Not a Burden
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
You Who? by Rachel Janchovic
Messages on how the family is to function, biblically:
(May 30-July 11, all of these sermons are family-related)
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Monday May 30, 2022
The Importance of Being in the Word with Your Family (Podcast 318)
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
We all know it's important to be in the word with our kids, but sometimes things get in the way, and/or we get distracted.
Today my sweet friend, speaker, and author Dr. Kathy Koch is joining us today to talk about the importance of being in the word with our kids. You’ll love the simple encouragement and you’ll find inspiration to not give up!!!
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
The Simply Unhurried Community
Ways to connect with Dr. Kathy:
Celebrate Kids Podcast with Dr. Kathy
8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences by Kathy Koch
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers by Tina Hollenbeck
Code is “Durenda”
The price will then be $99 for the Bible which includes one set of participant sheets. (Normal price is $149.)
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Friday May 27, 2022
We Can’t Serve Two Masters (Podcast 317)
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
With so many distractions we can easily find ourselves oriented away from God and toward things that cannot satisfy.
Jesus didn't mince words when He said that we cannot serve two masters because we will always eventually love the one and hate the other.
Listen in today for some clear, concise encouragement toward remaining faithful to keep God ever before us, serving Him only. This is the only place we will find true peace and satisfaction.
Matthew 6:24
Romans 6:16-18
James 4:4
James 1:5-8
Proverbs 3:5-8
Romans 12:1-2
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Monday May 23, 2022
Planning Your Homeschool with the End in Mind (Podcast 316)
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Many of us are thinking about the next school year and trying to get a jump on planning (unless you’re like me and wait until the last minute)!
Today my friend Sara (a veteran homeschooling mom) and I are talking about “reverse planning” or “planning your homeschool with the end in mind” remember to be stubborn about our goals, but flexible about our methods!
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)
Friday May 20, 2022
Considering Your Kids’ Personalities in Your Approach (Podcast 315)
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
One of the most helpful things we did along the way was to increase our knowledge and awareness of our kids’ personalities so we could better approach both parenting and homeschooling.
Simply having a bit of a picture of how our kids are wired by God and taking the time to make some tweaks in how we communicate with them can help us avoid a host of unnecessary power struggles.
Today my friend Sara(another veteran homeschool mom) and I discuss this topic and provide simple resources.
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart
The Simply Unhurried Community
Hidden Keys To Loving Relationships(old, but free on YouTube)
Gary Smalley Online Personality Test
(P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest book, The Four Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life on Amazon, durendawilson.com, or your favorite bookseller!)