Durenda Wilson is the owner/host of her podcast and is a wife to one for 35 years, mom to eight, and nana to 12. She has homeschooled all of her kids from the beginning. She loves to share simple, effective approaches to motherhood, homeschooling, and life in general. These tools are a result of many years of walking with the Lord and finding freedom in letting His voice quiet all the others.
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Throwback - Cultivating Your Family‘s Culture (Podcast 267)
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Throughout the holiday season, I thought it would be fun to revisit some Christmas-related topics that I’ve recorded in the past. We have had over 50K downloads in the last 30 days, so I know there are many new listeners out there, and even if you aren't a new listener and you actually remember these episodes chances are you will STILL be encouraged by hearing them again!
I have current episodes posted over these weeks as well, but I'm really trying to spend time with my family and keep things simple and unhurried through this season. I hope you are too!
Here is today’s episode description:
Today’s episode is called, Cultivating Your Family’s Holiday Culture
Be intentional! It's the battle cry of the many parents out there who want to do a good job raising their kids. We want important things to STAY important things. It's no different at Christmas, but it also happens to get more complicated at Christmas. So many possibilities, so many things we could do. Today we are talking about how to cultivate your family's holiday culture.
It's so important to consider where you are as a family: season of life, budget, uniquenesses of your children, etc. Heather Haupt and I are also discussing why it's important to cultivate a culture in your family, not just at Christmas but throughout the year and we will be walking you through a few guiding principles that will help you prayerfully personalize your family's holiday culture!
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Throwback - When God Flips the Plan (Podcast 266)
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Throughout the holiday season, I thought it would be fun to revisit some Christmas-related topics that I’ve recorded in the past. We have had over 50K downloads in the last 30 days, so I know there are many new listeners out there, and even if you aren't a new listener and you actually remember these episodes chances are you will STILL be encouraged by hearing them again!
I have current episodes posted over these weeks as well, but I'm really trying to spend time with my family and keep things simple and unhurried through this season. I hope you are too!
Here is today’s episode description.
We all enjoy being able to make plans and see them unfold, but what about when God flips the plan? What then? How do we respond?
I'm pretty sure that Mary's dream was not to live out a story that seemed impossible to believe and yet, when God revealed His plan to her, her response was one of humble obedience. All of us have experienced and will experience defining moments when God changes the trajectory of our lives. Let's look more closely at Mary's example in order to glean truths that can help us respond when God flips the plan.
Mom’s Retreat Mentioned:
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Some Perspective on Motherhood in the Midst of Current Events (Podcast 265)
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
I wanted to speak directly to the fear that I know I’ve felt as I’ve seen so many directly affected by job loss, potential job loss, forced moves, and facing circumstances that they never expected.
The fear is real, it’s humanly understandable, but there is a remedy for it and it’s simpler (yet harder) than one might think. However, it is life-changing.
As modern people with SO many resources at our disposal, we often overindulge and end up overwhelming ourselves because we take in way more than we can actually meaningfully apply and obey.
Listen in and be encouraged! We really DON’T have to fear bad news.
Song: King of the World
Resources shared:
Attributes of God by A.W. Pink
Proverbs 29:25
Proverbs 3:5-8
Isaiah 40:26-28
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
In a world that is moving and changing at warp speed, sometimes I feel like I can’t keep up.
How do I navigate something that doesn’t stay the same for what feels like any longer than a nanosecond?
How am I supposed to keep a perspective of my place in this world and more importantly, my role as a believer?
I have been praying over this since early 2020. I have often bunny trailed into places I’ve never ventured before thinking that since everything is seeming like such a hot mess, maybe God wants me to do things I’ve never done before like become more of an activist. After all, most of my kids are grown and so I “could” do more of those things.
He has allowed me to go down some of those trails for short time and what I found is that they are more like black holes than trails. God, in His faithfulness, has continually led me back to the words “simple” and “unhurried” time and time again.
As a culture, we are overwhelmed with information, both bad and good. I can spend hours pouring over the latest political or pandemic happenings. I can even more easily spend hours utilizing the endless resources available to study scripture, listen to great teachings and read books on slowing down and simplifying.
But here’s the problem: I am human. I am finite. I am limited in my ability to apply and obey the total sum of all the available resources.
So if I am chasing my tail trying to implement every good idea or principle I read or hear or come across, even those based on scripture….(read the rest of the podcast by going to durendawilson.com)
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Dealing with Disrespect in our Kids (Podcast 263)
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
I encourage parents to be patient and not to put too much book pressure on their kids too early. We can often gauge what they are ready for by their response to said schoolwork. However, regardless of whether or not they are ready for it, their responses to us need to be respectful.
In fact, before we ever approach solving the schoolwork issue, we must address the respect issue because our homeschooling journey won’t go well if our kids are in a habit of being disrespectful.
Listen in for tips on dealing with disrespect in our kids!
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Schoolhouse Rocked (Podcast 262)
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
I’m super excited to tell you that Schoolhouse Rocked the documentary is now available to stream! You won’t want to miss this super encouraging film on homeschooling that will help solidify your decision to homeschool and might just be the little nudge that so many parents need to jump into their own homeschooling adventure.
So many parents are struggling with school boards and their right to decide what’s best for their kids! Homeschooling frees parents from that battle and allows them to decide what’s best for their kids!
Homeschooling is more doable than most families realize and can help grow kids that are creative, flexible, problem solvers…ones that are ready to face the future with hope and confidence!
Join me as I visit with Yvette Hampton, Producer of Schoolhouse Rocked!
To stream Schoolhouse Rocked to your home, go to: https://watch.schoolhouserocked.com
To host a group showing: https://faithcontentnetwork.com/host-schoolhouse-rocked
Website: https://schoolhouserocked.com
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Let‘s Talk About Curriculum (Podcast 261)
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
After over 26 years of homeschooling our 8 kids (7 graduated), I can tell you that curriculum is important, but not as important as you might think.
Today I’m sharing some myths/lies that we tend to believe about curriculum along with some truths that are important to keep in mind so that you can make wise choices for your family.
Podcasts mentioned:
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers with Dr. Kathy Koch
Here are a few curriculum choices our family has enjoyed over the years (not an exhaustive list!):
Through 2nd grade-100 Easy Lessons to Teach Your Child to Read, Horizons math, workbooks from Costco/Walmart (I explain why in this video).
3-8th grade-Teaching Textbooks, Horizons, Notgrass American History(7th/8th gr), Math U See, Saxon (only for my math/logic minded kids), Key To Math series (if they are struggling with the basics) Learning Language Arts Through Literature (we handled science and history in an unconventional way that I describe in my books, The Unhurried Homeschooler and The Four Hour School Day)
High School: Mystery of History, 101 Series (science), consumer math
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Unhurried Grace: Be Still, a Discipline in the Midst of the Storm (260)
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
As promised, I am doing one short devotional a week. We can’t be godly wives and mothers unless we are godly women. That starts by making sure that our souls are being nurtured by God through His word and prayer.
Typically these devotionals will be shorter than this one, but what can I say? There was so much to share from Psalm 46 that seemed too good to skip and given the increased spiritual battles that are going on all around us, we need it!
Resources used and shared:
New Living Translation Illustrated Study Bible
Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart ( a devotional I wrote specifically for homeschooling moms!)
Monday Nov 01, 2021
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers Part 2 (259)
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Have you considered homeschooling your children but are overwhelmed thinking of how to teach them? Or maybe you’re a seasoned homeschooler, but just can’t figure out how to get through to one (or more) of your children. Does your child love to build things but cannot.sit.still? How can you teach based on noticeable unique strengths?
Today, Dr. Kathy Koch and I continue talking about ways to recognize and teach to your child’s unique strengths and help them in their areas of weakness!
Ways to connect with Dr. Kathy:
Friday Oct 29, 2021
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers with Dr. Kathy Koch Part 1 (Podcast 258)
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Have you considered homeschooling your children but are overwhelmed thinking of how to teach them? Or maybe you’re a seasoned homeschooler, but just can’t figure out how to get through to one (or more) of your children. Does your child love to build things but cannot.sit.still? How can you teach based on noticeable unique strengths?
Today Dr. Kathy Koch joins me in talking about ways to recognize and teach to your child’s unique strengths and help them in their areas of weakness!
Ways to connect with Dr. Kathy: